2012 PAWSP

2012 Pure Advanced Wilderness Survival Program


This is the 2012 Pure Advanced Wilderness Survival Program (2012 PAWSP).  It is composed of the following 12 Packages.  Please view each short video with each Package.  Let’s start with a good look and description of Package 01.

YOU CAN AVOID, REMEDY AND CONTROL countless survival threats when it comes to Wilderness Survival, Health Survival, Crime Survival and Money Survival. Anyway, like the doomsayers of Y2K (Year 2000) and December 2012, those events turned out to be just another regular day. Nothing happened – nothing! And since then, several more scares have been brewed-up by those “experts” who keep telling us “something is going to happen.” If something so bad is going to happen, I say “Bring it on and get it over with.” Seriously, I don’t take it to heart with all that doomsday crap. To me, it’s only entertainment and it should be entertainment to you. NEVER take anything seriously even if your life is on the line. Cause you have to AVOID the 02 Greatest Enemies Of All Survival Situations – FEAR and PANIC. And to survive countless survival situations within your control you need a good helping of what I call “Survival Ammunition.” OK, let’s get started. Each Survival Product is divided into what I call “Packages.” Let’s get started with Package 01 – The Anytime Anywhere Survival Program. Below is a very detailed description of the 60-pound 2012 Ultra-Advanced Anytime Anywhere Survival Program TOTAL Package (2012 U-AAASPTP). It is composed of the following 13 Packages.  Please view each short video with each Package. Let’s start with a good look and description of Package 01 – the Anytime Anywhere Survival Program.

PACKAGE 01—–  This is where I started back in 1991 and it’s a good start for you whether you’re a beginner or experienced in the wilderness. Package 01 – Anytime Anywhere Survival Program includes 23 Sections, 200 sketches, 557-pages and a total word count of 113,000+. Package 01 starts you out at the novice level and builds you up to advanced survival applications, techniques and tricks.  Here’s a list of the 23 Sections:

  • Preventing A Survival Situation
  • The Will To Survive
  • Survival Planning
  • Field-Expedient Shelters
  • Field-Expedient Weapons
  • Field-Expedient Water Procurement
  • Field-Expedient Plant Procurement
  • Field-Expedient Direction
  • Field-Expedient Time Estimation
  • First-Aid, Survival Kits
  • Wild Food Procurement
  • Traps And Snares
  • Field-Expedient Fire Building
  • Game Preparation
  • Field-Expedient Signaling Techniques
  • Field-Expedient Water Crossing
  • Drownproofing
  • Field-Expedient Weather Forecasting
  • Survival Site Sketch Map
  • Knots And Weaving You Can’t Live Without
  • Survival Points Of Contact
  • Survival Terms

Package 01 will definitely enhance your survivalability Anytime Anywhere – and we barely started. See Video. Plus you get 150+ Points Of Contact (POCs). There are more than 150+ POCs and most of them will send you their FREE catalogs. You’ll find great home and outdoor equipment to some World Class equipment that could help you AVOID survival threats in the first place and remedy survival threats. Plus you’ll get plenty plenty more POCs in Package 02 (below) so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere.  See Video above.———-Get This Survival Book Now!

PACKAGE 02—–  Package 02 gives you 03 Survival Books and they’re based on real survival applications, techniques and tricks from the REAL SURVIVORS throughout history and throughout the world. You’ll get the following 08 1/2 by 11 inch paperback books:

  • 169+ Mountain Man Survival Tricks!  I consider Mountain Men to be some of the baddest men to ever walk the Earth.  They ventured into virgin territory going up against Mother Nature and all She possesses as well at various Indians tribes who’d kill em’ dead at any chance.  Mountain Men used survival tricks that are worthy of your attention. This book is clocking-in at 170-pages with a word count of 49,963.  See Video above.  Get This Survival Book Now!
  • 239+ Texas Ranger, Pioneer, Old West,… Survival Tricks And More!  This is one of my favorite books.  Back in the 1800s, those Texas Rangers were just plain bad ass and the pioneers, cavalry soldiers and the remaining lot were not only never give-up stubborn but also very savvy to survive.  You’ll learn more than 239 of their survival tricks so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere.  This book is clocking in at 159-pages with a word count of 61,398.  See Video above.——-Get This Survival Book Now!
  • 839+ International Survival Tricks Used By Indians, Bushmen, Nomads, And More!  Native American Indians, bushmen, nomads,.. are the Real Survival Experts. And we can all learn from these true survival experts.  You’ll learn more than 839+ International Survival Tricks Used By Indians, Bushmen, Nomads, And More so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere!  This Survival Book is clocking-in at 378-pages with a word count of 146,079.  See Video above.——-Get This Survival Book Now!

PACKAGE 03—–Package 03 gives you 02 Survival Books based on being held a prisoner and evasion tricks you should know so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere. You get:

  •   Special Report #850 – 999+ U.S. Army Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape Facts & Tricks (SR-850)! You get HUNDREDS of my very detailed notes (Unclassified) of survival facts & tricks from the U.S. Army SERE Instructor Course (SERE Level B). Also includes 400+ practice exam Q & As to enhance your learning, plus you get my Survival Log Book (read between the lines and you’ll see me deteriorating into a babbling idiot – severe dehydration, malnutrition,…), plus the U.S. Army SERE Evaluation Booklet – all from the U.S. Army’s secretive SERE Instructor Course. Very few get the extremely rare opportunity to attend this very challenging month-long military course and not all who attend graduate. Heck, my SERE class more than 50% of the class. As a matter of fact, I lost 25-pounds the last week (evasion & isolation) of the course. You don’t have to spend a month of your life and get a SERE whoopin’ evading 02 platoons of Infantry (80 soldiers) for days through the thick insect-infested, 100% humid smothering jungle,… in Central America, you’ll get SR-850 so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere. See Video above.
  •    PLUS you get 375+ International Prisoner Survival Tricks And More! This book is based off Real Survival applications, techniques and tricks from Prisoners Of War (POWs), Concentration Camp Prisoners, Ghetto Prisoners and Incarcerated Prisoners. This book is clocking-in at 241-pages with a word count of 86,678.  See Video above.——-Get This Survival Book Now!

PACKAGE 04—–Package 04 gives you 02 Survival Books focused on procuring food and water anywhere on the Earth.  You’ll get:

  •   269+ International Fishing Tricks and More!  In my humble opinion, this is a great book to get fish, frogs, sharks, alligators, crocodiles, caimans,…  Whether you’re a novice fisherman or a pro angler, this book will give you fishing trick you never heard of in all your years out on the water.  This Survival Book is clocking-in at 170-pages with a word count of 62,866.  See Video above.Get This Survival Book Now!
  •   And to compliment 269+ International Fishing Tricks and More you get 339+ International Emergency Foods, Emergency Water, Lost Home-Made Recipes And More!  This is clocking in at 189-pages with a word count of 71,790.  This book focuses on learning to procure emergency food and water and you’re learning from the REAL SURVIVORS throughout history and throughout the world.  These 02 books will greatly increase your survival efforts to procure life-saving foods and water anywhere on Earth cause you’re learning from the REAL SURVIVORS throughout the world and throughout history.  See Video above.——-Get This Survival Book Now!

PACKAGE 05—–Package 05 gives you 02 Survival Books that will compliment Package 05.  You get 02 Survival Books focused on them smart critters all over the Earth.  You get:

  •   99+ International Pied Piper Tricks To Compel All Types Of Animals To Come To You!  Hunting on land and fishing is hard enough especially when you’re in the survival mode.  99+ International Pied Piper Tricks To Compel All Types Of Animals To Come To You gives you real world survival tricks to get them critters to come to you to insure you got dinner vittles cooking real quick.  This Survival Book is clocking-in at 54-pages with a word count of 19,664.  See Video above.Get This Survival Book Now!
  •   And we can all learn from them very smart critters just like Native American Indians and aboriginal tribes throughout the world learned so they were Survival Experts in their particular living area.  259+ International Smart Critter Survival Tricks And More gives you smart to super clever survival tricks used by critters all over the Earth and like I already said – we can learn from these critters.  This Survival Book is clocking-in at 101-pages with a word count of 37,960.  See Video above.——-Get This Survival Book Now!

PACKAGE 06—–  Package 06 gives you the Advanced Navigation Video (06 1/2-hours) and Advanced Navigation Workbook (165-pages with a word count of 35,593), 440+ work applications, quizzes, practice final exam questions – to check yourself, ALL the answers are in the Workbook. It takes you from beginner level (go a head a draw a circle – you just drew a hill top) to learning the Military Grid System to reading & plotting Geographical Coordinates – Latitude / Longitude – Degrees, Minutes and Seconds anywhere on the Earth! This Package like all the other Packages in the 2012 U-AAASPTP could save your life. Folks who get lost, are overcome with the 02 Greatest Enemies of Survival (FEAR & PANIC), and that’s all she wrote. With this Survival Program, you’ll never get lost, you’ll get plenty of Spot Quizzes as you go along and to check your work, ALL the answers are in the workbook. Plus you get a Practice Final Exam. And again all the answers are in the workbook. And you get the Final Exam. Send it in to me and I’ll grade it. The higher your score the better FREE Survival gifts I’ll send you like a set of FREE Long-Range Walkie-Talkies! Everything is sent to you to include maps, ruler, pencil, gum eraser, protractor (for Military Grid System) and more. As of this writing the highest score (almost perfect) is from a subscriber out of Canada. C’mon, I know YOU can beat his score so get your own 2012 U-AAASPTP today. See Video above.  Click here to get the Basic And Advanced Navigation Workbook & Videos.

PACKAGE 07“Mother Nature and all She possesses is the most powerful force on Earth.  More powerful than all the nukes ever built or ever will be built.”  Package 10 gives you the following 03 Survival Books to respect and survive the many unforgiving wraths of Mother Nature:

  •  Desert environments cover approximately 1/5th (20%) of the Earth’s land surface.  Desert environments are everyday killers to both man and beast.  Even semi-desert environments are killers.  And to insure you’re ready Anytime Anywhere, you’ll get 179+ International Killer Hot Desert Survival Tricks And More which is based off REAL SURVIVAL from the Real Survivors throughout the world and throughout history.  This Survival Book is clocking-in at 127-pages with a word count of 47,092.  See Video above.Get This Survival Book Now!
  •   On the opposite side of killer hot desert environments are the unforgiving killer cold environments.  179+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More! As I’ve stated many times in my books, Newsletters,… “Mother Nature And All She Possesses Is The Most Powerful Force On Earth.  More Powerful Than All The Nukes Built Or Will Ever Be Built.”  And Her wrath of killer cold is unforgiving.  This book gives you real international cold weather survival tricks from REAL SURVIVORS throughout the world and throughout history.  This Survival Book is clocking-in at 85-pages with a word count of 31,419.  See Video above.  Get 179+ Emergency Cold Weather Survival Tricks And More now.
  •   As I’ve stated many times in my books, newsletters, videos,… “Mother Nature and all She possesses is the most powerful force on Earth.”  How would you like to learn how to forecast in-coming killer weather using time-proven methods used by the Rea Survivors.  77+ International Forecasters Of Weather, Earthquakes, Tornados And More gives you real weather forecasting tricks used hundreds – thousands of years ago to neat weather forecasting tricks used today using things like a cup of coffee, a campfire, ants,..  77+ International Forecasters Of Weather, Earthquakes, Tornados And More is clocking-in at 59-pages with a word count of 19,078.  See Video above.Get This Survival Book Now!

PACKAGE 08—–Package 08 gives you 06 Survival DVD Videos (07+ hours). You get the author’s inside survival applications for:

  • Powerful Blow Gun & Dart Construction (01 hour – 09 minutes)
  • Water Procurement & Treatment (01 hour – 09 minutes)
  • True Survival Kits (00 hour – 46 minutes)
  • Map Navigation (02 hours – 03 minutes)
  • Time In The Wilderness (01 hour – 00 minutes)
  • Field-Expedient Direction (02 hours – 02 minutes)

You’ll get 06 DVDs with a total running time of 07+ hours. Plus you get a detailed minute-by-minute Video Guide for each DVD. I know you love the outdoors so you gotta have Package 08 so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere. See Video above and Package 12 below.

PACKAGE 09—–  Package 09 gives you the Save My Life Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package book (477-pages with a word count of 141,307) And DVD Videos (19+ hours). You’ll get 16 DVDs that will show you basic, advanced and ultra-advanced fire-starting that could save your life. Fire-starting is so important in a survival situation – it’s life-saving! You’ll see my very own TOP SECRET inventions and discoveries that are only known to my subscribers (YOU). You’ll see very detailed emergency fire-starting like: “rub your shoe on a rock” “spit (saliva) fire-starting” “shoot fire from your hand” “drop of water fire-starting” “urination fire-starting” “snowball fire-starting” “shampoo fire-starting” “mouthwash fire-starting” “toothpaste fire-starting” and many more using personal care products and first-aid products that you have in your possession. Learn advanced and ultra-advanced fire-starting so you’re ready Anytime Anywhere!   Here are a few ultra-advanced fire-starting samples (sanitized) of the many that are in my Survival Program – “Beam Of Light” Fire-Starting, Cough Syrup Fire-Starting (outside), Cough Syrup Fire-Starting (inside w/comment), Breath Freshner Fire-Starting, Anti-Fungal Ointment Fire-Starting, Skin Crème Fire-Starting and Foot Crème Fire-Starting.  And I have 63 more ultra-advanced fire-starting applications in the Save My Life – Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package.  See Videos above and below.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m the ONLY Survival Instructor on Earth that teaches these emergency advanced and ultra-advanced fire-starting applications. Why? Cause I invented most of them! Besides, rubbing 02 sticks together is not an option when your life and the lives who depend on YOU are on the line! If you would like to purchase 2012 PAWSP – Package 09, click the following link and scroll down the page to Save My Life – Basic, Advanced And Ultra-Advanced Emergency Fire-Starting TOTAL Package.

PACKAGE 10—– Package 10 gives you the description and detailed plans of the IRISAP copyrighted plans of “Shoot Fire From Your Hand.”  This ultra-advanced emergency fire-starting application enables me (author) to SAFELY start a fire up to 39-feet away from the firepit.  No wires, no gasoline, no sparks, no magnifying glass, no tricks,…  I use the light from my flashlight for ignition!  You’ll see it in a video with very detailed simple construction and employment.  See Video above.

PACKAGE 11—–Package 11 gives you the 911 and 747 Survival Products.  With both the 911s and the 747 in your gear, you’re almost wanting trouble to come your way cause you’ll be ready Anytime Anywhere.  Let’s start with the 911 Fire Deal.

A) 911 Fire Deal: The 911 Fire Deal includes

   9 Fire Nuggets (each burns several minutes),

  1 Solid Fuel Ball (burns up to 01 1/2 hours) and   1 Film Canister of Shackleton Wipes (03) for emergency fire-starting. See Video.

B) 911 Night Alert Deal: The 911 Night Alert Deal includes   9 Reflectors,   1 Large Chem Light [glow time 14-hours 50-minutes] and   1 Mini Maglite Flashlight with 01 set of primary batteries and 02 sets of back-up batteries.  See all Videos above.

C) 747 Jumbo Deal: The 747 Jumbo Deal includes 7 Film Canister Survival Kits (each has 75+ Uses and comes with 75+ Uses Itemized Guide), 4 Solid Fuel Rolls (each burns for 04-hours) and 7 Fire Bugs (each burns for 14-minutes).  See Video below.

D) 747 Jumbo Deal Guide: The 747 Jumbo Deal Guide and Package 19 shows you how to make your own 747 Jumbo Deal, 911 Fire Deal and a lot more.  See Video above.

PACKAGE 12—–Package 17 gives you the following MUST HAVE survival devices to AVOID survival threats in the first place and REMEDY survival situations as fast as possible.  I’m going to send you MUST HAVE survival devices like Walkie-Talkies, LESs, LETMC and Combination Knife Set.  Let’s start with Walkie-Talkies.

A) Walkie-Talkies:  I’ll send you a set of long-range Walkie-Talkies (at least 06-mile range).  Walkie-Talkies need no “towers” “repeaters”,… to work.  If you’re out in the middle of nowhere, Walkie-Talkies will get that communication going to reunite a lost friend, enhance safety in your outdoor adventure with your buddies, and even work while on a convoy to where ever!  Walkie-Talkies come with primary batteries and back-up batteries. See Video above.

B) LES: LES stands for Laydon Emergency Stoves (LES).   LESs require absolutely no fuel. Just light a match and place it on top of the stove and you got a fire.  LESs will safely burn for approximately 90-minutes. Use them to start your campfire, beacon, light, heat, cooking,…  I’ll send you 07 LESs and I tell you how to make your own. See Video above.

C) Laydon’s Emergency Trail-Mix Cookies:   LETMCs stands for Laydon’s Emergency Trail-Mix Cookies. Another one of my many copyrighted inventions, LETMCs are not only delicious and loaded with much needed nutrients for a survival situation, but LETMCs can also be used for EMERGENCY FIRE-STARTING.  Yes, they are not only delicious (no chemicals) but can be used for a life-saving emergency fire – they are very ignitable.  Each LETMC is vacuum packed (water-proof) and rated to last 02-years for edibility and 100-years for fire-starting!  I’ve invented several different LETMCs but the LETMCs I’ll send you are loaded will ALL the ingredients of all my LETMCs.  I’ll send you 03 LETMCs so your ready Anytime Anywhere.  See Video above.

ALLERGIC & CONSUMPTION WARNING: Various nuts are used in the LETMCs.  IRISAP is not equipped to produce consumable foods for subscribers, therefore the LEMTCs are not for consumption.  For Information Use Only.

D) Combination Knife Set:   If there is one tool you’ll need whether its for outdoors or indoors it’s a combination knife set that includes different tools for a wide range of uses. This tool could be a life-saver and it could help you directly or indirectly satisfy the 8 Elements of Survival (Fire, Water, Shelter, First-Aid, Signal, Food, Weapons and Navigation).  See Video above.

Author’s Note: I encourage you to print-out this web site for the 2012 PAWSP so you can re-read everything at your leisure Anytime Anywhere.  If you have any questions you can always e-mail me.  If you want me to call you, e-mail me with your concerns and your phone number and a good time to call you.

PACKAGE 13—–  Package 13 gives you the following MUST HAVE THE Go To Sh!+ Plan Emergency Package (GTSPEP).  The GTSPEP is based on my own experiences in the military.  When the SH!+ HITS THE FAN, WHEN YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES UNDER YOUR CARE ARE ON THE LINE – then you gotta stop your regular outdoor adventure (hunting, hiking, camping, fishing, mountaineering, rock finding,…) and break-out the GTSPEP.  This baby could save your life.  Mother Nature and all She possesses shows no mercy, especially to the ignorant and disrespectful.  You’ll be ready Anytime Anywhere with the GTSPEP!  SEE Video.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: To Order the 2012 Pure Advanced Wilderness Survival Program, you must fill-out the 02 forms below and send them to me:






Thank you for your wise interest in my Survival Programs. You and Yours Have A Safe One Anytime Anywhere,

Joseph A. Laydon Jr.

PS  You can also see my other Survival Products at:

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