2012 PAWSCP – Non-Disclosure / Disclaimer Statement

Congratulation for demonstrating your wise interest in the 2012 PAWSCP.

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE:  YOU MUST PRINT-OUT, FILL-IN AND RETURN this Non-Disclosure / Disclaimer Statement with the Order Form to IRISAP (address below).

A)  I AM 21 YEARS OLD OR OLDER – age is waived to 17-20 years of age for military personnel.  The entire 2012 PAWSCP is FOR INFORMATION USE ONLY.  I will keep all data throughout the 2012  PAWSCP confidential – Mr. Laydon’s original survival products, ideas, concepts including:  Anytime Anywhere Survival book, all Special Reports, all Special Intelligence Reports, all basic, advanced & ultra-advanced emergency fire-starting applications, all videos and all other original survival applications, techniques & tricks found throughout the 2012 PAWSCP.  I WILL NOT UNDERMINE IRISAP’s (Joseph A. Laydon Jr.) activities to patent, develop and market all survival products, ideas, concepts annotated above – in any way!  I will not use any of the items annotated above to break any local, state, US federal laws, or laws from my province/country (foreign orders).

B)  I WILL NOT DISCLOSE details, design, plans, associated materials found in the 2012 PAWSCP and any other IRISAP Products and Ideas to any minor, friend, marketing company, Invention company or any associate.  I WILL NOT DISCLOSE ANY survival application, technique or trick found in the 2012 PAWSCP and other IRISAP products.  The 2012 PAWSCP is FOR INFORMATION USE ONLY and solely for the IRISAP subscriber who has printed and signed his/her signature at the bottom of this form.

C)  I WILL NOT PROFIT now or in the future from the 2012 PAWSCP in any way, and in any form.  I WILL NOT REVEAL DETAILS to anyone as per Item A for profit now or in the future – even if in the event I return all materials for a refund.

D)  I AM NOT now or in the future associated with any media, other survival companies, or any person(s) with the intent to reveal and or profit from the 2012 PAWSCP in any way, and in any form.  I WILL NOT REVEAL DETAILS to anyone as per Item B for profit now or in the future – even if in the event I return all materials for a refund.

E)  I understand IRISAP discourages the independent construction and use of survival products, ideas, concepts in the 2012 PAWSCP.  I also understand IRISAP is NOT RESPONSIBLE for injury, death, property damage… by the use of any survival product, idea, concept in the 2012 PAWSCP.  If IRISAP subscriber or illegal 3rd party applies and uses any applications, techniques, “tricks” from the 2012  PAWSP it is under the sole responsibility of the subscriber.  I understand as an IRISAP subscriber, all 2012 PAWSCP materials will be kept secret and is FOR INFORMATION – ACADEMIC USE ONLY.

F)  Intensive Research Information Services And Products (IRISAP) IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for fire damage, loss of property, injury, or death due to the irresponsible misuse, abuse or carelessness of any survival product, idea, concept found in the 2012 PAWSCP and IRISAP subscriber’s unauthorized use and use by unauthorized 3rd party personnel – see Item E!

I___________________________________________________________________________________, (PRINT)    last name                                         first name         middle initial    Jr/Sn/I/II/III

COMPLETELY AGREE with and WILL ABIDE by all items (A through F) in this NON-DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER Statement.  I am not employed or associated in any way with any Invention Company or Outdoor Survival Organization or any militia group organized to overthrow the government of the United States.  I have signed this NON-DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER Statement to fulfill my agreement with IRISAP.

NOTE:  Violators will be pursued in a court of law.

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Birth Date: day_________\month___________\year________

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SEND Order Form Certificate and this Non-Disclosure/Disclaimer

Statement and payment to:

Joseph A. Laydon Jr. (IRISAP)

P.O. Box 48, Cutler, IL 62238-0048

Ph: 1-618-447-5850 (call 24-hr – leave message)

 http:/www.survivalexpert.com  /  e-mail: wwwsurvivalexpert@yahoo.com

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